Penny Kemp's Community Pantry & Café Code of Ethics
Last updated: January 21, 2025
Penny Kemp's Community Pantry & Café believes that everyone has the right to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food which meets their dietary needs and food preferences. As part of this commitment, Penny Kemp's Community Pantry & Café agrees to abide by the following Ethics Policy.
This document describes our commitments to our business partners, the environment, and most importantly, you the community that use the services we offer.
Our Business Principles
Our Code of Ethics underpins everything we do as an organsiation. As a representive of the Heart Of Headcorn we will promote the values of our business as a force for good, demonstrate our responsibility to people and planet, and create shared value with all our stakeholders. We invite feedback on our interactions and commit to learn from this.
Our Responsibility To Our Planet
We will at all times seek to minimise the environmental impact of our activities, always complying with all environmental protection legislation and seeking to minimise waste.
Our Responsibility To Each Other
- We will at all times treat our colleagues with dignity and respect.
- We will work as a team, encourage collaboration, recognise the strengths of our differences, and support each other to achieve our shared goals.
- We will not tolerate discrimination, harassment or victimisation.
- We will embrace the value of diversity in recruitment and dealings with volunteers.
- We will value openness and honesty and encourage our volunteers to raise ethical concerns.
- We will at all times conduct ourselves in a manner which brings credit to Penny Kemp's Community Pantry & Café, the Heart of Headcorn and our partners.
Our Responsibility Towards Our Community
Penny Kemp's Community Pantry & Café is a space where businesses, individuals, charities and community causes come together. We expect all those who join Penny Kemp's Community Pantry & Café to operate in the spirit of our Code of Ethics, act with integrity and honesty, and show respect for others. Should a member of this community fall short of our ethics, we reserve the right to suspend or exclude them permanently.
- We will not pre-judge or discriminate against members of our community on religious, cultural, ethnic or other grounds.
- Implement best practices in the proper and safe storage and handling of food and follow guidelines as set out by FSA.
- Practice equity and access with fairness and transparency for all Pantry recipients in the distribution of food.
- Serve all those who access services with the utmost concern, dignity and respect.
- Not accept gifts for personal use and avoid any interest or activity that is in conflict with the conduct of our official duties.
- Represent accurately, honestly, and completely our respective mission and activities to the larger community and demonstrate highest standards of personal integrity, truthfulness, honesty, and fortitude in all our activities in order to inspire confidence and trust in our activities.
- Respect the privacy of all clients, volunteers, donors and partners, and maintain the confidentiality of personal information.
- Practice fiscal accountability and responsibility in all aspects of the operation of the Pantry and Café, including full compliance with the reporting requirements set out by the Charity Commission.
Our Behaviour Towards Our Partners And Clients
- We will work with other organisations in a professional and honest way.
- We will actively promote an increase in purpose, sustainability, social impact and collaboration with those we work with.
- We will maintain our independence and, while respecting the diversity of points of view, defend our values when working with others.
- We will reserve the right to not work with any organisation or individual who does not meet our ethical standards.
Our Behaviour Towards Suppliers And Consultants
- We will expect those working on our behalf to align with our ethics and promote our values through their work with us.
- We will not accept favours or bribes or allow personal affiliations to influence the award of food or financial support.
- We will not tolerate child labour or any form of modern day slavery in our suppliers.
- We will be fair and reasonable in our financial practices towards others.